Legion Update!

So, Legion has been out and about for a while now… And I’m in LOVE.
The zones are gorgeous (Val’sharah pls <3) and there is so much to do.. almost TOO MUCH to do and not enough time 😮
Also, new expansion called for a new haircut! So cute ❤

Anyhow! I just wanted to drop by here quickly and announce that I am alive, and I have updated my Weakauras for Legion.
They are now up for grabs on my Pastebin!
There has been a lot of people asking for them recently, but I didn’t get around to put them up until today for the most ironic reason..
We had a power Outage this morning while my computer was on, and when I logged on after we got the power back.. All my Weakauras where gone, and also all of my Addon-settings in general.
(except for Elvui for some reason)
So I had to sit down and configure all of my addons all over again and re-create my Weakauras.. Because stupid me didn’t do a recent backup of my WTF folder.
Well, lesson learned!
All my current auras are up on pastebin, and I have backed up all of my important files on an external harddrive.


13/13 Mythic

So, the last month has been an intense one. We have relentlessly fought against Archimonde 4 nights a week for 3 hours. It’s been rough and tiresome. Wiping over and over because of silly mistakes or bad rng. But yesterday, things finally worked perfectly.
No stupid deaths, good infernal-spawns (meaning they are spread from when they land) etc etc. I didn’t even realize the boss HP myself until people started screaming “LET THE TANK DIE” and “NUKE BOSS” and suddenly, I got a star tossing me into the nether and BAM, the screen got filled up with Achievements. The screams on Teamspeak where loud and extremely relieved. We have wiped 288 times  and spent around 40 hours on Archimonde. So the first thing I said on ts on the kill (after my WHOOOO) was “You guys did so good!”, and it’s usually something I say after long progress (like Mannoroth before that) because that’s genuinely how I feel. I get so proud over all our raid members when we finally get something done after tedious hard work.
Only sad part today was that Ashleah (who’s been progressing every night with me) had an exam coming up and couldn’t attend, so our Holy paladin who had been benched a few nights got to show his moves. So it felt kind of unfair that she didn’t get rewarded for all her hard work 😦
Look at my crazy print screen spam..

But I’m still so happy we killed it. Now we can finally do some re-clears and get people even more gear (enough is never enough)

Also, I got the fucking mount.
I didn’t understand at first that I won the roll, I was looking elsewhere.. so when suddenly the chat said “Sakresse is rewarded with the felsteel annihilator”  I just went all “WHAAAA WOOOO EEEEEE IIIIIIIIII” on ts. I’m sorry for everyone’s ears.
So happy. *squeal*
Look at this beast! 😀 

And on a little sidenote: 
Yes, I will try to work faster on my weak-aura page :’D I’m just the slowest ever when it comes to getting things done. Sorry!


Happy Holidays everyone!

I hope you all had a great Christmas, and if you don’t celebrate Christmas I just hope you had a wonderful day nonetheless!
I had a lovely day with my family, and as most Swedish families, we don’t care about the “religious” part of Christmas (fuck dat shit), we’re just in it for the food. Lots and lots of food.

Anyhow! I just wanted to make an appearance and announce that I’m working on a project for my blog. I’ve been asked a lot recently about my ui and my weakauras. So I thought I would make a page or two where I will share some of my ui and my weakauras. Lets just call it a late Christmas present for those of you who actually read this forgotten blog of mine 🙂

But as mentioned. It is a work in progress and it might take me some time to get everything up on the blog. I have a gazillion of addons for your information.

Sooooo.. stay tuned!


Blizzcon and Discipline Updates!

I don’t think I’ve been this excited about anything game-related in a really long time.
Blizzcon brought tons of news concerning the new expansion and I think Legion will absolutely amazing! I can hardly wait!

We can all agree that Discipline and shields in general have been the thorn in all healers side ever since Mist of Pandaria, and all the way through Warlords of Draenor. Developers said they wanted to fix it, but that didn’t really happen – Did it?
Well, not until Legion that is.

Today the Legion Class preview for priests was released, and the hype is real! WoWScrnShot_110315_182319

Some priests pride themselves on pragmatism. They understand that light casts a shadow, that darkness is defined by light, and that true discipline stems from one’s ability to balance these opposing powers in services of a greater cause. While these priests possess many holy virtues to aid their allies, they also dabble in the dark arts to debilitate their enemies—always exercising immense discipline to keep themselves away from the brink of insanity. Many would say the ends justify the means; scriptures both virtuous and vile should be studied and understood to protect the congregation.


The power of absorption mechanics has created a WoWScrnShot_110315_182311gameplay issue for healers that we’re looking to address in Legion. Discipline Priests have been so effective in their role of preventing damage that it has sometimes left other healers yearning for an opportune time to throw out a clutch heal. To alleviate that issue, we’re tempering Discipline’s emphasis on shields in lieu of a reimaged Atonement mechanic.

Discipline Priests are now more clearly defined by their use of both Holy and Shadow magic, and that extends to how they function in combat. Sacrificing a portion of healing ability and having a reduced focus on absorption spells, they gain a significant contribution in damage. Still filling a healer role in group content, they aim to strike a balance between healing allies and damaging enemies in a unique gameplay style. Discipline Priests have strong cooldowns with Power Word: Barrier and Pain Suppression, along with Rapture,
a new cooldown that temporarily removes the cooldown of Power Word: Shield.

Here’s a basic look at the core defensive and offensive combat abilities for Discipline Priests:

  • Atonement
    • Passive
    • Plea, Power Word: Shield, and Shadow Mend also apply Atonement to your target for 15 sec.
    • When you deal spell damage, you instantly heal all targets affected by Atonement for 50% of the damage done.
    • Developer comment: Healing is not split between Atonements—the more allies you have Atonement on, the more total healing that a damage spell will cause.
  • Mastery: Absolution
    • Increases the healing transferred through Atonement by 28% (with Mastery from typical gear).
  • Defensive
    • Plea
      • 1.2% Mana, 40 yd range, Instant
      • A quick, efficient plea to heal an ally for a minor amount.
    • Shadow Mend
      • 3.0% Mana, 40 yd range, 1.5 sec cast
      • Wrap an ally in shadows which heal them for a large amount, but at a price.
      • The ally will take minor damage every 1 sec, until they have taken half that amount of total damage from all sources, or leave combat.
    • Power Word: Shield
      • 3.5% Mana, 40 yd range, Instant, 6 sec cooldown
      • Shield an ally, absorbing a large amount of damage. Lasts 15 sec.
      • While the shield holds, spellcasting will not be delayed by damage.
    • Power Word: Radiance
      • 7.0% Mana, 40 yd range, 2.5 sec cast
      • A burst of light heals a friendly target and their 5 nearest allies for a moderate amount, and applies Atonement for 50% of its normal duration.
  • Offensive
    • Smite
      • 0.75% Mana, 40 yd range, 1.5 sec cast
      • Smite an enemy for moderate Holy damage.
    • Mind Blast
      • 3.0% Mana, 40 yd range, 1.5 sec cast
      • Blast the target’s mind for strong Shadow damage.
    • Penance
      • 2.5% Mana, 40 yd range, Channeled, 9 sec cooldown
      • Launches a volley of holy light at the target, causing huge Holy damage over 2 sec.
      • Channelable while moving.
    • Revelation
      • Passive
      • Your Smite and Mind Blast casts have a 30% chance to reset the cooldown on Penance.
    • Shadow Word: Pain
      • 2.0% Mana, 40 yd range, Instant
      • A word of darkness that causes minor Shadow damage instantly, and an additional huge amount of Shadow damage over 18 sec.

Additionally, to give you an idea of how some talents may build upon this, here’s an example of one of their Discipline-specific talents:

  • Grace

    • Passive

Increases your non-Atonement healing and absorption by 30% on targets with Atonement

In addition to all these delicious changes to Discipline there was also news concerning
general healing in Legion.WoWScrnShot_110315_182331

  • Healers should always have something to do. In Legion when you are doing group PvE content you will notice that you can do a lot more damage than you could before when you choose to spend globals and resources on it. When you are overgearing the content, the damage you do in your spare time will go from close to meaningless (now) to being a useful contribution to the raid (in Legion).
  • You should be able to level as a healer, so when you are playing solo you should be able to do substantial damage. Druids having Thorns again will help, things attacking you will take substantial damage.

Absorbs are a little bit less powerful, have longer cooldowns, and there are less of them in Legion. Paladins won’t be causing absorb shields anymore, as their mastery has changed. Discipline mastery has also changed.

And Last but not least, we will have our own Artifact as a weapon. And I think it looks pretty darn neat. And I cant tell you how happy I am that it is a staff and not a dagger/mace. (sorry shadow-priests)

Quick Facts

  • Each spec gets a unique weapon–36 weapons total. These are intended to be ultimate weapons for you, the hero.
  • Unique quests for each spec to reflect their flavor. Examples: Ret Paladins return to Broken Shore and fallen heroes to retrieve Ashbringer, Protection Warriors discover legend of Vry’kul King, Death Knights retrieve shards of Frostmourne from base of Icecrown.
  • Classes are less homogenzied and use different weapon types. For example, Frost Death Knights are solely Dual-Wield, Unholy Death Knights are Two-Handed.
  • No other weapons drop in Legion. No legendary weapon.
  • Artifacts increase in power through Artifact Power unlocking traits and Relics which can be socketed into weapon.
  • Artifacts have model variations and color tints.

    Light’s Wrath

Discipline Priests stand between the light and shadow—wielding both, they straddle the precipice between. For them, this balance must be carefully cultivated so that they might wield and control the power of the staff Light’s Wrath in battle.

Obsessed with cleansing undead from the world of Azeroth, the fanatical Scarlet Crusade tried to create a second Ashbringer in the form of a staff. However, a dreadlord who had infiltrated the order intervened, interrupting their efforts and triggering a violent magical explosion. The damaged staff’s power proved nearly uncontrollable. After several wielders tried and failed to use the staff safely, the elite magi of the Kirin Tor hid it away lest it unleash further deadly calamities.

I personally think these changes seem interesting and much needed. I really hope the developers makes something great out of this. I believe these changes could either be amazing or flunk if not balanced well enough. It sounds like the playstyle will be much more active and exciting, maybe a bit complicated to get a grasp of when you just read it. I really want to get my grabby paws on a beta-invite for Legion and try out the new Discipline spec.
I’m also very positive when it comes to the Artifact. I think it’s quite gorgeous, and with the option to change the color-tint of the different versions.. Waaaw, I can’t wait.
GAH, almost forgot! 
The new transmogrification system for Legion is AMAZING. It’s all I ever wanted and more.
I’m so incredibly excited about this expansion that I can’t even put it into words.
I want it now, but at the same time I don’t want Blizz to rush it. I want perfection!
I cross my fingers I get to try the beta :3

/ Sakresse

I miss Pandaria

I really loved the continent that is pandaria. It’s so beautiful and full of details (which I never really got to experience until now due to bad computer). I really do hope that Legion will be even more detailed! 😀 From the early pictures we’ve seen, some zones looks absolutely amazing.
For now I’ll settle with exploring Azeroth all over again…. So yea, enjoy this printscreen-dump! (Heck yea for posting stuff in the middle of the night to avoid sleep..?)

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I’m not dead… Yet!

Hello everyone and happy Halloween! (yes, yes, I know Halloween is over – but still!)
It’s been quite a while since my last update here on the blog, once again – I apologize.
Sometimes life just gets in the way you know?
I have multiple times thought of writing something here, but never really found enough inspiration nor time to actually sit down and do it.
I thought I would do a quick update below: 
1. I have a new computer (FINALLY). My old one was over 6 years old and dying. Everything in the new one is new.. except for the graphics-card and hard drives since I bought those recently. I’m so pleased with it, I can run wow on ultra-settings for the first time ever! ❤ A WHOLE NEW WOOOORLD. So yea, I’ve been taking a lot of print-screens in game.
2. I’m working double jobs (both are part-time, so I guess that almost makes it 1 job :’D) which sometimes results in me feeling uninspired and tired. My job is not really.. inspiring so to speak.
3. PROGRESS! The new guild we joined back in September (Malaxnytt) has made decent progress, we’re now at 9/13 mythic and currently banging our heads against Velhari. She is one mean lady goat.
4. BLIZZCON HYYYYPE. So yea, as pretty much all of us know, it’s blizzcon this weekend, and I’m very excited! I’ll be driving up to Ashleah’s place on Friday and stay for the weekend, watching blizzcon with her and her bf 😀 We’re both very, very excited and curious about our class-changes. I’m also extremely anxious when it comes to disc-changes, but I’m crossing my fingers VERY hard and hope for the best. Please blizzard fix my spec but don’t fuck it up too much, alright? Do we have a deal?
5. alts! I’m leveling alts a lot now that we’re on a whole new server and I had to leave all my other online-babies on Auchindoun (except priest and hunter – they go wherever I go so to say). I’ve been focusing a lot lately on my restoration druid. She’s adorable, and quite fun to play! I’m thinking of leveling all healing-classes to 100 and try them out a bit more in depth. The only healers I’ve played are Discipline (ofc) and holy (a tad bit) priest, resto shaman (I’m sorry all shammys out there, but I must say resto shaman is even more dull to play than disc.. /cower), resto druid (moar hots!) and a little bit of mistweaver monk. But that was like.. back in cata/mop and a lot has changed since then. So yea, new project, although it will probably be a slow one.
6. I’m a candle-holic. I’m burning so many candles it’s not even funny anymore. It’s something with autumn and candles that I just can’t get enough of. My guildies make fun of my addiction. Apparently it’s not normal to drive 1 hour just to buy 40 euro’s worth of candles. What? Don’t look at me like that.

When enough is enough.

Long time no see Everyone!
I apologize for the late update, but things have been a bit chaotic in the World of Warcraft as of late, but I will try my best to give you readers a summary of what happened.
So, my old guild, the wonderful Dyslectic Defnenders had issues finding people for raiding since the release of WoD. Warlords surely has been a guild-killer, as most of us have noticed. But we struggled on, trying to recruit people here and there. But for every player who joined, 1-2 people quit the game. It didn’t add up and raiding became a mission impossible.
In the end we found no other solution to the problem than to merge with a bigger guild, so that those of us who wanted to progress and raid actively still could do so.
We merged with Malicious Intentions, in hopes that this would be the answer!
I did get some concerning warnings from other players who had been in contact with this guild, but I shrugged it off. I wanted to see for myself, how bad could it be?
I had been in contact with the guildmaster since Siege of Orgrimmar, and he seemed decent enough. A bit of an elitist, but I can be one myself at times.

Me and the guild master of Dyslectic Defnenders got to be officers in Malicious, so that the two guilds could work better together as one. It seemed to be working alright at first. We had quite fun, and did decent progress together. Problems started when our raiders (from DD), who weren’t used to the raiding-climate in Malicious, got flamed at for doing mistakes.
Previously we would just call out the problem and ask people not to repeat it, not put a specific person on a cross to be crucified. I’m very much pro constructive critisism, but in MI the critisism was more than often destructive. It’s not fun to play when someone repeatedly calls you a retard, is it?
I personally managed to stay under the radar, maybe it’s because I didn’t do THAT many mistakes, or the fact that I was one of the officers, or maybe because I’m female(???). I don’t know, but I wouldn’t be happy if someone called me stupid, braindead or retarded for making a mistake in a game. It is after all – A GAME.
This kind of behaviour made many of “our” players quit or leave the new guild, but some of us who managed to avoid most of the “friendly fire” decided to stay for the sake of progress.
As we progressed through Hellfire Citadel, it became more and more obvious that the climate and atmosphere didn’t change, even though we spoke up about our concerns, to maybe tone down the namecalling and bullying of certain guildmembers.
We struggled on, tried to see past the bad stuff. But once you start to realize how bad something is, you focus more and more on it and notice the destructive patterns even more clearly.

The final drop for me was during one of our “Late Saturday normal-raids” which usually took place in the middle of the night, many players on their alts. When you raid on a saturday, normal .. you’re not supposed to be on your A-game, at least not in my opinion. To me that’s more of a “just goof around and have fun”-kind of raid. A social event for the players to hang out and not be so serious about it.
Anyhow, at some point comments about belonging in the kitchen was directed in mine and Ashleah’s direction (we’re the only females in the guild), and shortly after “Get on all four” was mentioned. I got annoyed. If you don’t know a person well enough to know how they will take a bad joke – Do not tell the joke. If one of my closest friends told the joke, I wouldn’t take it seriously, of course. But I don’t know the person who made the joke that well. I made it very clear when we joined the guild, that I do not appreciate sexist jokes since I’ve had to put up a lot with that kind of crap.
There were also bullying going on when someone pronounced something a bit wrong, and for english-speaking people to make fun of those who doesn’t have english as their native language.. is just childish and rude. That made me furious. Picking on words makes people who are already a bit shy, even more afraid to speak up on teamspeak.

So, after that raid, the Defnenders that were still in the guild, decided to start looking for other options. We knew it would be difficult, since we had 3-4 mythic-geared healers.. So a complete Mythic healing-team. And most guilds already have good healers. But there was no harm in trying! I put up a “want to be recruited” post on a swedish forum. It didn’t take long until people started leaving replies and showing interest. Sadly for our wallets, most of them where Horde.
We decided to keep the whole thing quiet until we had decided on where to go.
A guild on Draenor with the same progress as us (5/13 Mythic, progressing on Gorefiend) made contact with us and showed interest in adding ALL of our players into their Mythic roster.
We had a lovely chat with most of them on Teamspeak and everyone had so much fun.
So we decided to join them.

It’s always hard to make a big decision like this, at least for me. I felt extremely guilty and mean to the raiders in my old team who hadn’t done me any wrong, the kind, lovely people I actually liked – even if they had a kink for swapblasting me to my death. If anyone of you reads this, I’m so sorry 😦
But I want to play with my friends, and have a good time. And they weren’t having a good time, so we left.

Anyhow, we’re now Horde on Draenor-EU. We’re in a swedish guild and will have our first Mythic raid together on Wednesday. I’m very excited, but at the same time a bit anxious. They had a really good discipline priest, but he offered to go shadow so I could stay discipline. Thank you ❤
cuteasfuck  It’s past midnight and I have to get up early tomorrow. I’m very bad at planning my writing.
Thank you for reading ❤

Updating myself.

So, This happened. 
Sakresse is human now… For now.
I’m not sure wether I like her like this or not. But oh well, no harm in changing things up a bit now and then, eh? Last time I did a race-change was at the start of MoP.. so yea 🙂

Anyhow! Not only did Sakresse get a make-over… But I also updated my ui – Again.
This time, I went all in.
Exchanged a lot of my actionbars for WeakAuras so I had to make sooo many new keybinds.
I will never remember them. Might just have to write post-it notes with my binds and put on the sides of my screen because I’m very, very forgetful.
The weakauras are a mixture of auras made by LaiPlays, Ashleah and Me. 

So, what does it look like? Well. I thought I’d just dump a lot of prints here. 3…2…1.. GO!
So here it is. Very minimalistic, just like I want it to be. I took the print in the dark room behind Scholomance so you get a better view of the actual ui instead of the clutter in the background.
This is how it looks when I’m out of combat, all by myself.
Below is what it looks like when I’m in a raidgroup WoWScrnShot_090915_221423
This is what happens if I start casting and use spells.
The spells in the smaller hexagons at the bottom turn grey and move to the right when they are on cooldown. The line at the top is a nice visual reminder when things are off cooldown.
The 5 squares are my evangelism stacks, at this picture I have 3 stacks of Evangelism, shown by the 3 purple bars 🙂
At 5 stacks of Evangelism (5 purple bars) the bigger hexagon to the right starts glowing and get Archangel wings around it, telling me it’s time to pop my Archangel 😀 (the glowing feature only shows when I’m in combat.)
The two big Hexagons on either side of the Cooldown-line are weakauras for my 2-set bonus and my weapon enchant.
To the right you can see what happens when I pop my Archangel. First of all, I get 2 big wings on either side of my character which will desaturate as archangel runs out, Fancy is key!
The big Hexagon in the middle indicates that I have Empowered Archangel up.
The small blue bar above the Evangelism-bars shows the duration of Archangel.
Between the upper line of Hexagons and the line of cds I have a small gcd-bar, it’s a bit tricky to see your gcd when you’re running with only weakauras 🙂
When I pop my Power Infusion (which I have macroed to my Intuition’s gift trinket) a purple bar appear and shows the duration of Power infusion. I didn’t really think Power infusion needed it’s own flashy WA, because your whole goddamn character lits up like a wickerman during Hallow’s end.
WoWScrnShot_090915_203622    In this picture on the left you can see what happens if I or someone else in my raid pops the Legendary Healing ring. Everything turns fucking green. And I get a big icon over my whole face so I don’t fucking miss it.

I also added the addon Opie to make buffs and potting easier. No more scramming around in my bags to find my food. Now I just need to remember the binds for these…Was it… Shift+X? WoWScrnShot_090915_203555

So, there you have it! It’s a big remake and also a big change for me as a player. I’m forcing myself to be more aware of what the actual fuck I’m doing.

Here is a list of Addons that I use in my Ui to create this look:
Elvui Addonskins
Exorsus raidtools
Mik’s scrolling battletext



WoWScrnShot_083115_235847I can’t really believe it, but I now have the complete priest tier 3 set! 😀 I’ve been chasing it since the release of Black market AH in Pandaria. I’ve been sitting on chest, gloves, waist, head for a really long time… But I never saw the shoulders even once. WoWScrnShot_012615_212609
So, here is the story. 
I spent the weekend at Ashleah’s and Shindu’s place (my favorite guildies <3) We’ve been gaming, eating yummy food, watching movies and just had a really good time :3 I drove up on Thursday just in time for raid and stayed until Tuesday. So, on monday Shindu was the first one to log on wow, and he said “Your shoulders are on black market” and after that it was just panic all day.
I brought my priest to Nagrand asap, put my heartstone in Yrel’s Watch and then I had my panda sit at the bmah ALL DAY. and I mean, ALL day. Even if I knew the auctions didn’t end until around 9-10 pm. What bothered me was that we had Mythic Progress raid the same evening, starting at 19:30. So that would mean that I would not be able to sit at the AH.
During my time in Nagrand, I befriended a very nice hunter who was bidding on the hunter t3 legs. We talked about transmog and how much we were willing to spend on it and so on.
There were lots of people coming by, many cloth users and each and every one made me scared. Maybe they wanted the shoulders too?
I made sure to mog my current gear into the full faith-set except shoulders. To make a clear statement that “Ok, she’s here for the shoulders” and “ok, she’s got cash” and perhaps scare a few players away. It did actually have an impact.
There was a mage coming by, placing a bid on the shoulders. But when he saw my character, he said that he felt bad for bidding now that he saw that I had almost the complete set, and said he would not bid against me anymore. I really, really appreciated that gesture and we also continued talking after that :).
Anyhow. Time went on, I was holding top bid until the timer dropped down to medium. Suddenly another priest showed up and placed a bid at 50k. I instantly bid after him, to show him that I’m awake. I guess he tried to scare me by bidding it up to 75 after that.. And I instantly raised it to 90k.
He then once again raised the bid up to 106k.
And well, lets just say I was ready to put in ALL I had just to make sure I got the shoulders. My last bid was at 120k, then I got forced into Hellfire Citadel to progress on Mythic.
I was so nervous and scared lol.
My new hunter-friend told me he would whisper me as soon as the timer changed to short, and when he did I put a timer on my phone, ready to HS midfight if needed :’D Anyhow. I got kind of lost in the moment of progress, having to focus on keeping people alive and so on that I completely forgot about the timer on myWoWScrnShot_083115_233624 phone. Suddenly I got a whisper from the friendly mage saying that the auction was completed. I saw that I had a mail from Black market auction house, so I instantly thought that I had been outbid
because I couldn’t see any “you won an auction” anywhere in my chat due to raid-spam. So I got superscared, then he asked if it was me who placed the 120k bid.. and I said yes.
“Then you won” he said. And GAAAH I got so happy! 😀 Wohohoho. SCORE!

My long hunt is finally over. I have the ultimate transmog (in my eyes) for a priest. I’ve been drooling over the faith-set for soooo long, and although I generally think it’s boring to run with a complete set.. This one is just too pretty. So yea, I guess my transmogging days are over.
Well, I may not change my mog as much anymore, but I will still continue to create new ones with MogIt and post here :3  WoWScrnShot_083115_235534
First thing I pretty much did after I got my shoulders was taking a trip around the world to find some good spots for pretty printscreens. Enjoy! WoWScrnShot_083115_235659WoWScrnShot_083115_233814
And lastly a big thank you to Ashleah (who bundled up all of her gold ready to help in case I got seriously outbid), Kempeh for not bidding against me and Kaws for keeping me such good company all day. This meant a lot to me. I know it’s just a game, but I’ve invested a lot of time and gold into this. The total amount of gold I spent on this set is roughly around 200k and it was well worth it.